Photo of an eight of rowers concentrating, sitting ready to row

Give rowing a try!

Rowing is great for kids -- and the summertime is the best time to start! There’s nothing like getting out on our beautiful Willamette River in a boat full of your friends. At Rose City we know how important it is for kids to unplug and get outside and play. Rowing helps them learn how to become athletic and adventuresome. At the same time kids learn the importance of teamwork and discipline. Our program caters to kids of all athletic backgrounds. It’s about learning, improving and enjoying the ride. Nothing beats the thrill of a racing shell skimming quickly over the water. A lifetime sport can begin this summer!

At Rose City we have four distinct seasons and we take on new beginners at the start of each season. No experience is required! In fact, virtually none of our beginners have ever seen rowing up close… so everyone is starting something brand new. If you’re interested in receiving information about our upcoming class schedule, click the link below.

Our Summer sessions begin in mid-June. See below or click the button for more info about opportunities to start rowing!

High School Beginners

Lunch is included for athletes in this program!

Eligibility: Athletes with no previous experience (or started rowing after May 2023) who are rising 9th-12th graders

Session 1: 6/17 - 6/28
Session 2: 7/1 - 7/12 (no practice July 4th)
*week off*
Session 3: 7/22 - 8/2
Session 4: 8/5 - 8/16
(late August pre-season sessions TBD)

Weekly Schedule: 5 days per week (M-F)

Time: 10:30am - 1:30pm
Cost: $150; full or partial fee waivers available.

Middle School Beginners

Lunch is included for athletes in this program!

Eligibility: Athletes with no previous experience (or started rowing after May 2023) who are rising 7th-8th graders

Session 1: 6/17 - 6/28
Session 2: 7/1 - 7/12 (no practice July 4th)
*week off*
Session 3: 7/22 - 8/2
Session 4: 8/5 - 8/16
(late August pre-season sessions TBD)

Weekly Schedule: 5 days per week (M-F)

Time: 10:30am - 1:30pm
Cost: $150; full or partial fee waivers available.